talking about bad animations....
man ur animation is worse than mine, the jokes were.... not that bad but the animation sucked please dont talk bad about the people if youre worse...
talking about bad animations....
man ur animation is worse than mine, the jokes were.... not that bad but the animation sucked please dont talk bad about the people if youre worse...
Talking about retarded people...
very cool !!
i laughed a lot at the pikachu's scene XD
that was fun to make
this is cool :D
cool you maked an interactive movie....
that i did ^^
me gusta la parte de pokemon xD 54x2 xD.... te kedo bien chido
gracias we :)
esto es mas como una itroduccion, bueno yo pienso...
algo asi XD
se ve bien chido... o.o
me gustaria hacer kosas komo esas T-T
aprende, es dificil al principio, luego ya se te hace facil y divertido. descargate flash del Ares o prueba el Trial de Newgrounds, y checa los tutoriales, ayudan mucho
Doing what I can. Digital Artist/Animator/Illustrator..
Age 31, Male
Joined on 2/1/08